Each journal has its own requirements for submissions and publication procedure. Therefore, we advise you to carefully examine the journal you would like to submit your full text in advance. Otherwise, the full texts will be published in the AELTE 2022 Conference Proceeding Book with an ISBN.
1. Journal of Çukurova Research (CUKAR),
Journal of “Çukurova Research”; since 2015, it is a peer-reviewed journal established to publish researches in various fields such as language, literature, history, sociology, philosophy, geography, archaelogy, anthropology, theatre and drama, art and education.
Journal of Çukurova Research; ıt is a periodical published three time a year in March (Spring), june (Summer) and December (Winter). All academic studies written in Turkish or English can be submitted for publication in the international journal.
The journal of Çukurova Research has been included by international indexes and databases such as Index Copernicus, SOBIAD, ResarchBib, Scientific Indexing Services,, İSAM, Linguist List, Erih Plus, Refseek, Journal Factor, WCOSJ, fatcat etc.

2. International Journal of Language Academy (IJLA),
IJLA (International Journal of Language Academy) began broadcasting peer reviewed articles in December, 2013. IJLA is an international peer reviewed electronic published journal. IJLA is an academical journal that aims at publishing and presenting the qualified researches in areas such as language, linguistics, literature to the scientists.
IJLA has been included by international indexes and databases such as Index Copernicus, The National Library of Finland, Melinda, EBSCO, ERİH PLUS, Lingustics Abstracts Online, Modern Language Association (MLA), Asos Index, Research Bible, AcademicKeys, DRJI, CiteFactor, Sjournals, Giga Electronic Journals Library, WZB, Bıblıothek Hamburg, OCLC World Cat, OAJI, ISAM, SOBIAD, ROAD, ISJ, Araştırmax, Genamics, CrossRef, Scilit, ESJI, BrillOnline Bibliographies-Linguistic Bibliography, EbscoHost MLA International Bibliography with Full Text etc. Acar Index.

3. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET),
The IOJET aims to set up a highly qualified international academic platform for both experienced and novice education professionals, researchers, librarians in academic, corporate, and government work settings; and those involved in education and teaching practices all over the world.
IOJET has been included by international indexes and databases such as ERIC, TUBITAK/ULAKBIM, EBSCO, ERA, DOAJ, Google Scholar, BASE, MLA International Bibliography, TEI, ResearchBib, Index Copernicus, VOCED Plus, InfoBase, ERIHPLUS, MIAR, UDL-EDGE.

4. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (IJCI),
International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (IJCI) is a professional, double-blind peer-reviewed international journal devoted to fostering intercultural communication among educators and teachers worldwide, encouraging translational collaborative efforts in curriculum research and development, and promoting critical understanding of social problems in a global perspective
IJCI has been included by international indexes and databases such as ERIC, Citefactor, DOAJ, DRJI, Index Copernicus, Index Islamicus Online, MLA International Bibliography, MIAR, JournalTOCs, TEI, ResearchBib, Google Scholar, BASE, OCLC WorldCat, Ulrichsweb.

Eurasian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies (EAJLTLS) is a professional, double blind peer-reviewed international journal that aims to involve scholars not only from Turkey, but also from all international academic and professional community. The journal provides a platform for different theoretical and thematic approaches to linguistics and language teaching.
EAJLTLS has been indexed in MLA International Bibliography and included in Index Copernicus (Already in the data base). EAJLTS has also been under consideration to be included by international indexes and databases such as Ani International Journal Index, ASOS, DOAJ, EBSCOhost, ERIC, ERIH, Google Scholar, InformIT, Linguistics Abstracts Online, Lockss, Routledge Educational Research Abstracts Online, Scopus, ULAKBİM, TR DİZİN.

6. International Journal of Education Technology and Science (IJETS),
The IJETS is a quarterly peer-reviewed international journal aiming to set up a highly qualified international academic platform for both experienced and novice education professionals, researchers, librarians in academic, corporate, and government work settings; and those involved in education and teaching practices all over the world. The IJETS issues are released four times a year; in March, June, September, and December.
The purpose of the IJETS is to foster critical debate about education and teaching globally. The IJETS seeks both to develop new theoretical insights into the education and teaching, and new understandings of the extent and nature of contemporary educational practices in diverse settings. It underlines the significance of discovering and reflecting the interplay of local, regional, national and global contexts and dynamics in shaping education technology and science internationally.
The IJETS is concerned with education in its broadest sense, including formal, informal and non-formal modes, as well as cognitive and metacognitive skills development. IJETS is primarily interested in studies that look at the relationship between education and teaching in different contexts globally.
The IJETS welcomes papers from all prospective authors and especially from scholars who study education and teaching both theoretically and in practice all over the world.

1. Foundation for the People and City of Adana,
Foundation for the People and City of Adana also known as Adana First Foundation, was established in 2000. Adana is one of the important cultural centers of Turkey with its unique motif. The Foundation aims to support the development of Adana’s surrounding districts in the fields of education, culture, art, health and tourism, and in this sense, it aims to provide high and effective services by providing social solidarity with local governments. Since its establishment, the foundation has given educational scholarships to many students. In addition, it has provided wheelchairs, battery powered chairs and patient beds to the disadvantaged in order to increase their quality of life. Between 2001-2002, the Foundation realized the “Adana Urban Thinking Workshop” (AKDÜAT) project together with Adana Metropolitan Municipality and Mimar Sinan University. Our foundation is committed to preserving the cultural values of Adana and making the buildings livable without disturbing the historical texture. As a concrete example of this, Adana Metropolitan Municipality made a three-year project partnership with Çukurova Development Agency on the restoration and sustainability of Adana Şakir Paşa Mansion in 2013. With the cooperation of our foundation, Adana Metropolitan Municipality, the 1st International Symposium of Adana and Çukurova was held on April 17-18-19, 2015. 170 academicians, each of whom are experts in their fields, from 57 different universities, 6 of which are from abroad, participated in the symposium. Papers presented at the symposium have been published as a 4th volume book. To the participants who studied and graduated from the departments of Turkish Language Teaching, Turkish Language and Literature, Foreign Language Education and Classroom Teaching, together with Çukurova University and Adana Metropolitan Municipality, between February 27 and March 10, 2017; A training of trainer certificate program was organized by instructors who are experts in the field of Turkish education for foreigners. In this context, the foundation plans to organize symposiums and carry out projects in cooperation with foundations established for similar purposes both in Turkey and abroad, and international institutions and organizations.

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